Devotion to the Madonna

When reading about the devotion that the residents of Italian Harlem had for the Madonna, I was struck by how their devotion transcended every aspect of their lives. Regardless of their occupations, economic well-being, level of religiosity, or regional allegiances, they all had an intimate relationship with the Madonna. The most fascinating parts of the reading are the examples that Orsi relates about the communal displays of devotion to the Madonna.

The true test of devotion is whether it persists even when times are bad. The Italians in Harlem passed this test with flying colors. Throughout the history of Italian Harlem, they made it a top priority to construct the church of the Madonna, renovate it, and beautify it during good times and bad times alike. In fact, During the Great Depression, the most devastating economic period in America history, they became even more passionate to the Madonna. Orsi writes that when the worshipers themselves were being evicted from their own homes, “people showed their self-respect by beautifying the Madonna’s house.” Their steadfastness through times of trouble is truly venerable. Even when they had very little money, they were willing to work on helping the church “after we get out of work at the factory.”

In light of our reading and class discussion about the domus in Italian Harlem, it is interesting to contrast the differences between the Italians’ attitudes toward the clergy and towards the Madonna. It seems to me that they felt threatened by the clergy and devoted to the Madonna for the same reason- the effect that each of them had on the domus. The priests were seen as threatening forces toward the domus because they posed threats to the single women who were the foundations of its future, as well as the fact the individual essence of a priest was the exact opposite of the family and community centered lifestyle of the domus. On the other hand, the Madonna both symbolically and literally strengthened the domus. The annual celebration of the Madonna brought families and communities together, unifying all Italians in Harlem through their common devotion. Additionally, the Madonna was a physical and spiritual representation of the values of the domus.

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