Some info you don’t need ;)

The tabs on the website are not playing nice, so here’s a bit of stuff you might not wanna know :p

Year 1: Reflections?

So, I will be blogging about my 2010-2011 FRESHMAN YEAR at City Macaulay as it comes to me.  :D I made friends with so many wonderful people, learned a lot about being independent, and kept a 4.0 throughout. (YAY!) I was on the Scholars Council, almost became a co-editor of City College’s literary publicationThe Promethean, and slept through USSO. I had a no boys semester, during which ^^surprise!!^^ I did not date, although I did break it a week or so early.

I questioned the things I knew about myself and the world [insert cliché-induced eye roll here]. Most of all, I became more myself than I have ever been, and I spent more money than I’ve ever spent. I changed my mind about a lot of things, but my general life plan is still intact. One thing remained certain throughout: I really love New York. <3

Year 2: Scholarship to Spain!!!

Hola amigos! I will be going to Universidad de la Rioja in Logrono, Spain, from October 2011 until June 2012.  That’s nine months in Europe, with three trimesters of classes. SPANISH classes. If I don’t come back fluent, you have my permission to throw me a one-person tomatina…… or maybe not. :p Anyway, I’ll be Spending Christmas in Germany, and I’ll be visiting Italy, Ireland, France, and hopefully tons more of the lovely European countries! Stay tuned because I’m starting my narration early, with periodic updates on my preparations 😀

Lookit! Europe! <3


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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