Okay, maybe a little >.<

Neither playing a geography of Asia game nor trying to get through Macbeth is going to distract me enough. I even got tired of facebook. The thing is, I’m leaving in less than a week. maybe you think it’s childish to be scared of this amazing opportunity, but I don’t even know my room number yet! And I’m moving in next Saturday :O

I took a cold shower (still no hot water), bought some clothing, then made noodle soup with my wonderful Mami because my tummy is acting up. Maybe it’s the nerves, maybe it’s the weird guy in Barnes&Noble who struck up a conversation with me because I said “bless you” when he sneezed on the travel books. Gonna blame it on weird guy so I don’t have to deal with myself….

…Which kind of brings me to my next conversation topic: Psychology. I stopped by the psych books and saw some interesting things. People are apparently too scared to reach their full potential. Go figure. I’m sure we all need to buy a ten dollar book about it and then we will be perfect šŸ˜€

In other, slightly unrelated news, I found a book about the history of the condom. In between gawking at the romance section and reading the first page of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, I spent a good five minutes with that book. I had no idea the condom had a history worth writing about. But there it is.

have a good night y’all (Oh yes I did)





About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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