And I’m baaaaa-aaaack! (probably the dumbest blog I’ve ever written)

and so. way. too. lazy. to blog.

School is awesome. There’s a lot of cool new people that need to be added to our group. Problem is, they’re in a different class. My Spanish class consists of my roomie, my friend from Utah, and a lot of people that were all in the advanced class last trimester.. which means they’re 5 units ahead. Which means studying.

Also, my roomie started watching “Shameless,” and now it’s kind of a room addiction. Apparently JAMES MCAVOY WAS IN THE ORIGINAL BRITISH VERSION…. just found that out while looking for a video to post on here so I don’t seem like a complete bore with only text to look at. Gotta keep up the entertainment factor, if only for my mother, who is probably the only person who really reads every one of these things. Gonna start posting each one on facebook so that people remember I write these (not that I read anyone else’s blogs hehehe)

So, here’s a quick clip of adorableness that I want to share with you all. (ALL of you.. ha.)

I’d give it to you straight, like my beautiful commentary on life en EspaƱa, pero it’s blocked from being embedded, so please copy and paste to enjoy.

As a consolation prize–which we know he definitely is not– here’s James McAvoy!!!

DARNIT :O This one is also not embedabble! What in the world??

One other thing: How do people keep from getting bored? Even when you have a million things to do and you’re completely overbooked, you can get soooooo completely bored. What brought this on? The internet here is so slow. Maybe I’ll go do something productive. Or sleep.. I’m getting up at 7:30 to take a walk in the dark, cold park. Sounds scary until I realize I’m not in Harlem šŸ˜‰

Except now my neighbors are making random noises on the wall, which is SO like my first year in college. Yaaayyyy. Stereotypes are not true, but sometimes I want to let out my inner child and say “Boys are stupid!”

I don’t love the boys next door like I loved my Koreans



About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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