So maybe life is perfect (and a lot of videos)

Or just studying abroad. Or maybe it’s just the way my rose-colored glasses and I think about everything. Tengo que practicar mi español pero estoy más feliz haciendo un blog en inglés. (too lazy to blog in Spanish)

My roomie is skyping her mom about a trip she is taking soon with her sister to France and Amsterdam and stuff. It sounds epic. Then, in March, she is going to Dublin with her boyfriend, my cousin, and meee. St. Patrick’s Day is going to be so wonderful in Ireland! I know the actual party life of St. Pat’s started in the U.S. but it still feels amazing that my first Irish experience is going to be in Dublin around St. Patrick’s Day. It’ll also be my best friend’s birthday while I’m there, so I’m DEFINITELY buying him something AWESOME in Ireland.

Soooooo Ireland is full of people with Irish accents that are good. Yeah. I’m just going to float on a cloud of aural bliss. However, I seem to be doing that now because I realized how awesome the Brazilian accent is in Spanish. All of the (three) Brazilians that I know sound so adorable when they speak Spanish. It’s probably because Portuguese is softer than Spanish, but my favorite part is the “e.” Instead of pronouncing it “eh” like the Spaniards, they say it almost like “yeh” with a Spanish “i” sound in the front.

Actually, I can’t wait to start distinguishing the different accents in Spanish. I’ve got a lot of the foreign ones down, but the hard part is knowing the regional accents of Spain, then moving on to the various countries of Latin America. Oooooooh excitedddd

However, I can distinguish most of the English ones.

Can you?

Yeah I’m going crazy on the videos but this one is hella funny. Love this guy, especially at the end. Why don’t you watch one more video. This one’s about love.


We heard it in class. My teacher for Fridays is amazing. The other ones I’ve had before and I’m SO happy to have them again. I basically had happy tears in my eyes when I found out that they are teaching us again. Now I’ve gotta go get ready to watch my friend’s (roomie’s bf) rugby game 🙂

Have a good weekend, guys.



About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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