If the world doesn’t end… (no, not gonna talk about the Mayans and you can’t make me!)

People used to be afraid of the end of the world… in a different way. Remember all those old maps with the lil monsters scribbled on the side? Spain here, Italy here….  bit of ocean…. Kraken?

yeah it's not the best picture but it's the best monster!

maybe some witches? sirens? Who knows, but the ends of the earth used to be scary. I have a theory, though. Those guys were so bored of drawing maps that their creativity just bubbled out in an unsolicited manner. The dude who paid them to draw the world was like, “What the eff is this? There’s a monster next to that island?”

“um..” *scratches head* “Yeah, actually. I saw it. With my own eyes. Look at the detail on that back fin. Gotta watch out for those suckers.. They eat boats. Nutritional value of wood and all…” *gets paid and runs away*

So since there are no monsters anywhere but in the Bermuda triangle, I think that I’m safe getting on a boat. Titanic happened 100 years ago but my mom still mentions it like recent news. Don’t worry about the cruise ships that sink because captains are not able to read maps.. why is my mom not getting on this boat? “Julia, didn’t you see Titanic?”

Yeah. I love that woman.

Speaking of love, Rome was epic. Speaking of my mom, I’M GOING HOME IN 64 DAYYYYYYS!


(that caps lock was by accident, I swear)

I had a half hour convo with my best friend about how I could just quit school in NY and move to Spain. or Germany. About how I don’t want to come back. He obviously had a few reasons why that is a bad plan, and he got me thinking about this summer a lot.

And then I had a gigantic night of talking to him on facebook, skyping my NY roomie Diana, and skyping my mom. Yeah. I miss being home. I miss Upstate New York. I miss my friends from home. Advice for future study abroad students: Don’t try to avoid the feelings. When you leave home, you’re going to have a skittles rainbow of emotions. It’ll be sweet and yummy, but you don’t really like the purple one cuz it tastes like crap. When you come back, you’re going to have a NY-sized gay pride parade rainbow of emotion. (hint, the second one is bigger and better.. but a little scary)

However, since it’s a rainbow, all colors are invited… even the obscure ones that nobody cares about, like fuchsia. Fuchsia being a metaphor for some random emotion that you don’t even want to feel. That moment where you’re like, I am glad to be going back to see my family. That’s rational. The crying when you say goodbye to all your friends in the country you’ve been in for months. <–makes sense.

Falling into a ten minute melancholy fest because I won’t be able to buy decent red wine for only 3 euros (or even buy wine at all) when I get home….. well, I’m sorry to say this, ladies and gentlemen, but that is a fuchsia emotion. Nobody cares about it. It exists purely because I’m unconsciously avoiding things that matter. Like sky blue and orange.

The lack of cheap, good red wine is completely and epically nothing next to the idea of cuddling my puppies irl. I’m going to cry a lot when I leave Spain because it’s home. I am going to miss my friends a bunch. Eating my sister’s banana bread or going out to breakfast with my dad in some random country diner can make this better. Moving in with one of my best friends in NYC and going back to school to study International studies sound freakishly amazing. Possibly having the time for a real relationship with some cool new guy in the city that doesn’t sleep…. kind of exciting.

Listening to: Thanks for the Memories from Fallout Boy

Hanging with: Charlotte and Emily in the dorms

Obsessed with: Dane Cook and Aziz Ansari

and instead of wondering why this blog has no rhyme, reason, or conclusion…..
reminisce about how dane cook is awesome and watch this ten minute video ^.^

Still to do: Homework, 5 hours of Spanish class tomorrow, and thinking a lot about the eportfolio expo

Oh and I’m going out tomorrow. Because it’s Friday (okay, just realized it’s friday the 13th… which doesn’t shock me as much as the fact that my dad’s birthday is in two days and I was about to forget it again this year. Bad daughter), and if I don’t dance for at least three hours straight, I will have wasted a perfectly good mood on sitting home and being on facebook. Not okay. We need to jump around to crappy pop music.

Julia out

love you guys 🙂


P.S. add New Zealand to the list of places I still wanna go. Also, I’m thinking of combining my Brasil and Colombia trips into one. Because, you know, I’m made of money. <3




About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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