Why a new environment can make you a new person (the how is up to you! Also, you should join pottermore :)

Yes, inspirational, gooey Julia is back. Why? I just did a workout at 7 am with a new friend that I got to know this trimester. We rocked it, and now I’m drinking chamomile tea, eating Müsli with soymilk, and blogging. Afterwards I’m going to shower and play a geography game so I know where the world is, while listening to the NPR Hourly News Summary.

*See above for how I am the person that I want to be*

I’ve always wanted to be an informed person that works out, has a blog, and keeps learning her entire life. Before coming to Spain, I felt that I was only half succeeding.

“Was it Spain?” you ask, “Can I never be who I want to be unless I go there?”

Okay, so I stole this from a Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month website, but it gets across my point. Also, knowing me, where else would I get it from?

Yes and no. As I’m pretty sure I’ve said before, I think it is easier to change key elements of your life in a new environment. You are independent, yet alone. You have new friends, yet nothing to do. In a search for belonging, for hobbies, for a job, for good grades and whatnot, you can reinvent yourself bit by bit. Maybe you go to the gym more, sign up for a dance class. As a study abroad student, you often have less to do than at home because you need to familiarize yourself with the area and what it has to offer. The new friends you find are going to be like you, because similar people gravitate towards each other.

Also, here’s a piece of advice from my mom (which I think she read somewhere, but I like to pretend that every great idea she imparts is originally hers): “Surround yourself with people that are the way you want to be.”

Why do you think I decided to go to Macaulay? Because I thought I was worth it? NOOOO. Because my mom thought I was worth it and because I wanted to be around really intelligent, knowledgeable, interesting people. In New York City.

Do you want to know which song I work out to the most? International Love! Do you know why? Because New York City is in it. Going to New York inspired me so much that it gave me the pre-push to the real changes that happened while I was here, in Europe, taking in the world. It wasn’t so much where I was physically as where I was mentally.

I could’ve become a happier person and made my life the way I wanted to in the U.S. Actually, I would’ve, eventually, had I stayed there. However, starting over yet again, searching for new friends once more, attempting to fill my day with some activities, I found the Julia that’s been waiting to come out.

If all of this is too inspirational for you, I’m sorry. I’ve also done a few things that I’m not super proud of here, I just don’t want to talk about them. For example, I gained weight when I first arrived. Let’s just say I prefer to look at the positives. LIKE HOW POTTERMORE IS OPEN TO THE WORLD NOW.

I have a Hawthorn Unicorn 10 3/4 inches Unyielding wand, a Western Green Toad that my friend helped me name (Lilypaddles), and I was sorted into Gryffindor.


Point I’d like to make: Two years ago, I’d have been sorted into Ravenclaw because I had smartness potential, but no courage potential. EVEN J.K. Rowling can tell that I’ve changed.

And this is where I nerd out too much to be public about it.

If you need me, I’ll be playing geography games and checking my pottermore <3

Miss all my nerds in Upstate NY and NYC!!


Much love,


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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