44 days til Germany… (and how to become a sports fan late in life)

Okay so the first part of the title is me being quite anal, and the second part is something that I am def not that great at explaining…. Having said that, HELLO 😀

I just got the best news ever when I found out that my CCNY Bursar’s office stop had been taken off, and that I could now make my schedule. Yay! Here’s my sched, for all of you nutty stalkers out there: (my dad will not love this and probably call me about not publishing private info :p <3 )

Keep in mind this is tentative and not super seguro, kay?

So, if anyone has advice about living in the now, go crazy. I’ve learned how to do it a bit, but the fact that I’m going “home” to my grandparents, uncle, aunt, and cousins in 44 days, and then “home” to Upstate NY a week later just makes me crazy. Me saca de mis casillas que mi tiempo aquí vaya a acabar.

Also, I miss my home and my family and my bed and my kitchen and that lost, excited, adventure feeling of getting back to NYC after being with my parents. That bus ride in, when you look over from NJ and are like, “I am an adult, and I WILL conquer this crazy place!” is THE BEST. <3

My Opa with the lil tree! Aaawwwww...... ^.^

While going through old pics I haven’t yet encountered a pic of the view from the megabus, but I did find christmas with my grandparents. That was the bestest of times. My grandpa was always watching football (soccer) on TV. SO, since I enjoyed the weekend’s Madrid-Barcelona game and the balomano game my friend was in, I decided that I need to be fan to some sportsteam.

My grandfather in Germany (my Opa) is obsessed with FC Nürnberg, so my mom recommended that.. but can you decide to be a real fan of something? Don’t you have to be raised on it to have it in your blood and care as if it was life or death? I mean, I can be quite dramatic, but it would take me a while to learn to be in love with a soccer team.

I’m sorry, my heart isn’t really in this blog right now. I still have the mixed emotions caused by things that aren’t happening for another two months swirling around in my head. Why can’t we split ourselves in half? Feeling like I don’t want to go scares me because it makes me think that I need a good counselor to kick me in the bum. On the other hand, wanting to go home instills in me a strange notion that I don’t appreciate everything that I have done here, and everything I still have time to do.

So I shall look up sports games to watch because I believe that getting completely loca about men running around and kicking a ball into a big net is much better than considering the fact that my life is changing greatly in 44 days.

Spain will no longer be my home, so I am off to search for more nostalgia shots of adorable things I’ve seen here. I’m making a folder right now so that I can put the important ones on here. Don’t worry, it’s not because I am not a procrastinator, it’s because I think it’ll give me a better chance of getting recognized in the Macaulay Eportfolio Expooooo

<3 <3

You know I love you, guys (aka my mom, who definitely reads every blog :B). Thanks for stopping by, friends, family, and possible crazy stalkers who are only here for my schedule. You are all appreciated, and I shall now go to bed to avoid saying more gooey things.





About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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