From “a few hours to Amsterdam” to “a few seconds to Amsterdam Ave”

Well hello there!

No, I do not yet have internet at the apartment. Yes, I do want it, and I do want it NOW. I spent 8 hours in my front hallway yesterday, waiting for the time warner cable guy that never came because of a broken buzzer and communication issues with my roommate.

I met a lot of neighbors. The most interesting characters were some guy who started to hit on me but got the hint when I turned immediately back to my book, a very nice lady whose husband just died, and an interior painter who thinks I should go to the Peace Corps in Africa.

One wonderful thing about yesterday was that my dad and my sister came by. They brought me furniture and food and stuff, and my sister and I made tortillas together. It was adorable and I was very sad when they left. However, my room looks like a real room now, and I have my movies. I drank Earl Grey tea while watching The Three Musketeers!! Now that’s a good night šŸ˜€

In other news, I had a job interview today, and I think I’m in! We’ll see. I’m super excited about it.

So yeah, this blog is short, and I’ll continue to have short blogs because I can’t write them at home. Also, the colors and the layout might still be changing.

Lots o’ love


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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