I DO have a real major! I do, I do! (Why do people think the social sciences are fake?)

There is always something to do. I have a calendar that goes until finals week. You can check it. Every time I think about blogging or reading the first book in Game of Thrones, I’m like “Wooaahh, Julia! Don’t you have an essay or something?”

And I always do. Because there are things to be done. Because I have a real major. I go to City College, where a lot of people (mostly men) are engineering students. If they’re not, they’re often in the sciences or in some mathy sort of area. Or they’re studying to become lawyers.

Look, he gets it!

I don’t know if it’s jealousy at the fact that I actually love every single one of my classes, or what. But I do know that my major is apparently nothing to be proud of. It’s something that everyone could do with their eyes closed, their hands tied behind their backs, and their backs tied to railroad tracks. There are a lot of things I could blog about right now, like the presidential election (which I am SO looking forward to), my quest for a summer internship, or the fact that my poor, little Mac is going to the Apple Store to be fixed.

But no.

I am going to rant about how my life has meaning and my goal to work with people is worthwhile. I KNOW people often make fun of my major because they know it will annoy me, but I am and always will be one of those people that you can wind up. I will always react, and you know it.

I just need to vent right now because it makes me feel belittled and unappreciated as an honors student when someone else tells me, “yeah, but it’s not like you have a real major…” Well, eff you because I have a major and two minors, and I basically speak three languages and am working on a fourth. Engineer THAT. International Studies is the study of the world. It is the study of culture and language and history and politics and sociology and psychology and so forth. It is the best major for someone like me who wants to learn everything there is to learn about the people of the world before she goes on to humanitarian her butt off for them. See below for how awesome it is to help people 😛

People who are not doctors or lawyers or business executives, don’t let yourselves believe all the bullhockey. Sure, the Social Sciences don’t get crapped on as much as the Arts, but we still deserve a nice, little pity party. We’re real, and our science people should admit it to us, if only to get me to stop yelling.

This was it. I hope you enjoyed it.



About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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