Something about politics or something (Why we have a presidential debate drinking game)

Everyone knows debates don’t matter. Only stupid people that change their minds based on a night of useless rambles and lies can get anything out of them. I’m sorry if you’re one of the “undecided” but you know it’s true. By now, everyone knows the issues and has enough information to make a decision about the next four years.

If you don’t, please read something and get on it..?

SNL is right

Family Guy got it (thanks to a friend for reminding me of this clip)

Now let’s review:

Debate 1: Obama stammered and didn’t bring out the big guns.

Debate 2: Romney got pounded.

Debate 3: Romney doesn’t understand things that aren’t America.

Am I biased? Of course! Who isn’t. I agree with just about nothing that Romney says, but I do have severe doubts that Obama will be able to do everything that he promises. Obama’s my man, though. He’ll get 4 more years and get more white hair. Overall, I do agree with Lincoln:

Nobody can fix the mess we’re in right now in one presidential term, so it’s a good thing there’s more branches of government aside from the president….. BUT WAIT.. The president’s not even ALONE in his branch of government. This whole face of the nation stuff is really ridiculous because people forget about the executive branch. Yeah, the Boss is the Boss, so it doesn’t really matter how many people are advising him, but a lot of Americans don’t even think about the fact that there are more people involved… and then there’s the other two branches. *Sigh*

So this is why we have a presidential debate drinking game. Today’s young adult either understands the race or doesn’t, but either reaction should look similar. People who care about politics will add a drinking game to their debate because the debate doesn’t matter, and people who don’t care about politics will add a debate to their drinking because facebook told them there’s a game.

Disclaimer: not trying to bring alcohol into people’s lives, that was just an example to let you know how little the debate matters in the grand scheme of things.

Jon Stewart wouldn’t let me share this link, so please copy/paste because it’s hilarious

LOVE (even if you’re undecided because I’m a hippie and I forgive you because I love everyone)


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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