Self-image, time management, and hurricanes (how not to spend your free time)

Hi there.

Yes, it’s me. I’ve returned from the land of preoccupied bloggers. I swear I’ve been thinking about you guys. I had so many ideas this week. As always, I’m going to combine it all into one giant wordvomit that ends up making sense in a rambling, slightly inspirational sort of way.

Self image : Sometimes the smallest things can make us wonder if we’re worth it. Sometimes we get dramatic after promising we won’t. Sometimes we have moments of self-doubt in the middle of a fabulous week of self-appreciation. It happens. Maybe it’s our own fault, maybe someone did something or said something hurtful, or maybe we’re just being ignored. Here’s the thing, guys. STOP IT.

Nothing and nobody can make you think less of yourself if you wake up every morning and tell yourself “I’m awesome!” before going out there and kicking ass. Seriously. Just believe it. The time just changed and so can you. Look in the mirror tomorrow and say “you’re awesome” to yourself. I know it will sound like a joke at first, but keep doing it and see what happens šŸ˜‰

Time-management/Sandy: Did anybody else get NOTHING done during the storm this week? Yeah, I listened to some lovey-dovey/depressing Spanish music, had a fun time with friends, and sorta kinda did some homework and sorta kinda cleaned my apartment. So what’s the deal with that? Well, usually I would call this procrastination a first-world problem but it’s not even that. People died this week. Here. People die a lot everywhere, but Sandy rolled on by and it was a reminder that we are not immune to nature. So anyone who is feeling some self-pity about procrastinating right now or ever…. yeah, stop that, too. I did. At least I have an apartment to procrastinate in. Seriously. We don’t realize how lucky we are. There are so many reasons you can invent to feel bad about yourself when you have everything you need to survive.

I was trying to be inspiring here but it’s coming across as a bit depressing. That’s because Reality Bites .
Here’s a clip from my mom’s favorite movie:

Does everyone feel better now? This happens when they all have no money whatsoever, but Winona Ryder figures out that she can use her dad’s gas card to buy food at the gas station. Mitt Romney would approve.

How not to spend your free time: worrying. feeling crappy. Worrying about feeling crappy. feeling crappy about worrying. The eternal problem with College students is that we all slack, but most of us feel bad about slacking, and all of us know there is no point in doing so.

Just decide not to. Realize that you’re awesome. I facebook chatted with three friends today, and all of them reminded me that I’m pretty great. I hope I did the same for them because they deserved it. On bad days, friends need to do for you what you do for yourself on all the good days; They do what I’m going to do for you right now:

You have doubts, you have worries, you have problems, you have fears, but YOU HAVE YOURSELF. You’re above all of that crap and you can beat anything. That’s how I feel right now and that’s how you should feel always.

Keep this with you:

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
-Thomas Alva Edison

Much love,


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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