Because Language Teachers are Gods (and I am slightly insane)

Well hola/ni hao/hallo/hello there!

Before you get on me about my pretentious, non-stop language learning, let’s discuss how language classes make me feel wholly inadequate. Most people have a similar reaction to foreign language classes and decide to avoid them because of it. I, however, am a glutton for punishment.

If God had poop on his shoe, it would be elephant dung….. and it would be on these shoes. <3[/caption]Ever since fifth grade, when I began to take Spanish, I have both loved and been horrible at language classes. I earn the grades and then forget everything I learned. So, I guess, technically, I was super at language classes and horrible at language. I didn't really learn how to speak Spanish until I studied abroad, because I am intensely afraid of language practice. Here's why: Language teachers are GODS, and I am poopie on their giant GOD shoes. This is how it feels to attempt conversing in class, especially when I haven't studied as much as I should have. They are fluent and my mistakes are so sadly obvious that even I can hear them. I feel inadequate when I can't rattle off the response sentence in half a second, and I'm completely embarrassed when I blank out on a word that I KNOW would come to me instantaneously if I were alone. After going through this process with Spanish, I think I'm prepared for Chinese if only because I can EXPECT to be terrible at it from the beginning. The point isn't how slowly you learn, anyway. It's THAT you learn. Maybe I got a 3 on the quiz but I got a 93 on the test! That must count for something, even if it ends up screwing my GPA. Apparently I'm ridiculous, though, because I complain constantly about how this or that thing will ruin my GPA and then I get an A on it anyway and everyone secretly hates me. SO... The point here is the whole try, try again mantra. I don't have a particular talent for language, no matter what people may think based on my record. I just love communication enough to force myself through the grueling process of sucking at new words for a year or so. I am still somewhat pathetic when I try to bend Spanish grammar to my will, but at least I usually blurt out my mistakes with confidence. That will come with Chinese, too, once I stop being a crybaby about it. I don't know how any of this applies to any of you, or how I can twist it to be anything but a public ramble about my personal learning curve, but there it is. You already read it so you can't unread it now hahaha
Let me know if you got anything out of it. I hope you go learn a language. Hint: Don’t start with Chinese >.< I can't take it next semester, so I will teach the rest of the textbook to myself because I am insane. My teacher agreed with me. All the best and a HAPPY THANKSGIVING (EAT A LOT!!! IT DOESN'T REALLY COUNT ;), Julia P.S. No freaking out about finals. Stop it. Go breathe or drink a glass of water or something. Ooooommmmmmmmmmmm.......

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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