Because finals are stupid (and one should make New Year’s resolutions before the world ends)

I don’t read because I’m too busy procrastinating about schoolwork and planning my future every few seconds.


Here’s to the Mayan end of the world, the CCNY end to finals, and my end to the time of no reading.

Before TV entered my life (in America), I was the bookwormiest of bookworms. I skimmed a lot and I skipped sections that bored me, but I read all the time. I was a very intelligent child.

Today, I watch three seasons of my new favorite series in two days, or watch three movies in a row (today). Netflix and I bonded over one romantic comedy, one romantic Indie movie, and one Indie movie. It’s quite a nice progression, really… In the last movie, which I watched at about 1 in the morning, a cute prep school cafeteria worker (who may or may not have been whoring herself out to the boys with the most money) was reading her way through the “100 best books of all time.” The movie was called Goats. It wasn’t really about goats, but that didn’t stop my roomies from having a jolly laugh with me when I told them the title. One of them asked me what sound a goat makes, so, naturally, I was about to demonstrate it when our unofficial fourth roomie (Alena’s boyfriend) came in… We laughed harder at his appearance during this characteristic roomie moment, and opted for the most obvious solution to the goat noise question: a youtube video. Enjoy…

I’ve always liked keeping a bucket list in my head, and I’ve tried to keep movie and book lists and whatnot. SO, if you go back somewhere into the past of Julia’s bloggyland, there is a bucketlist. This is the beginning of my booketlist (yes, I know, I’m super clever)

Julia’s First/Kinda Legit/Unofficial Booketlist

Cien Años de Soledad

All the Game of Thrones books

Some random Goethe stuff (in German)

Animal Farm

That Gigantic Shakespeare works book I have sitting on my bookshelf at home

The Millenium Series

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Pretty sure my sister loved it and told me to read it about three years ago)

A Clockwork Orange


Fahrenheit 451


The Divine Comedy (don’t tell my World Humanities teacher, but I just sparknotesed most of it this semester)

The Grapes of Wrath

something by Haruki Murakami… probably 1Q84 because I saw it EVERYWHERE last year

The Age of Innocence




ok, there will be more. feel free to let me know what you think I should read….. although nobody has access to my internet thoughts until the 22nd… finals=no facebook=no social life (seriously :P)


Happy Saturday morning at 2:15

<3 Julia

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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