So, tomorrow, the world invades my life again (and I can go back to facebook stalking!)

Just kiddinnngggg…. who facebook stalks? Not me. Definitely not you. We are neither curious nor of the feline persuasion.







Okay, now that I have out-shenaniganed myself in this nuttiness of finals week, here’s a blog:

News highlights: I’ll be back on facebook tomorrow night!!! My last final was an hour ago (might be a B, but it’s Chinese, so I kind of forgive myself). Now I only have one paper left to write, and it’s due at midnight on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Then I am done for this semester.

The fact that I survived a real semester after a year of twiddling my thumbs in Spain is pretty impressive. I’m not saying Spanish is easy, but it’s really fun and I am very, very passionate about it.  Okay, so maybe my classes this semester were a piece of cake, as well, but being here was still more difficult than the vacation plus free Spanish classes I had for nine months.

I’m not trying to make anyone jealous, by the way. I’m just calling things as I see them. If that’s upsetting to you, maybe you should change your major and be happy like me.

Speaking of happy, Bikram yoga is my new heaven! After you get over the feeling of certain death by suffocation and heat stroke, hot yoga is actually really, really fun. The 90 minute class at Bikram Yoga Harlem, which is composed of 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises, costs only $10 at 4:30 on Sundays. Usually it’s $15, so why is it cheaper at that time? BECAUSE THEY’RE AWESOME. The 4:30 class is the donation class, so you can technically get in for whatever you wanna pay, but the $10 is suggested. Why should you pay the suggested price? Because the donation goes to a different charity each month! (this month it’s going to one for children in Africa… I don’t remember which one)

This guy is awesome. Superfun teacher that makes the class go by really quickly.

This guy is awesome. Superfun teacher that makes the class go by really quickly.

I’m not being paid to mention them, by the way 😛

I’ve just been reading about ways to combat obesity for my paper (a 15-page intervention proposal to combat cardiovascular disease by preventing obesity caused by diet), so I went to yoga twice this weekend. I’ve also been eating healthier. I’m also going to write more than 15 pages for this paper…. *sigh*

Macaulay, you sly dogs, you…. Here I thought the seminars were all nonsense! As a junior in the sophomore CHC’s, I am finally understanding the point. I’m actually super okay with taking the required honors college classes in my second-to-last year because I hear that juniors and seniors often feel disconnected from Macaulay, and I don’t want that to happen. I’m even taking next semester’s Future of NYC class at the Macaulay building (if I ever complete the ePermit form correctly haha…. This girl is book smart but has ZERO common sense)

Last thought before I return to my paper:

“Everyone hates consequences because when consequences are good, they’re called results.”-Me to Diana when her headphones accidentally unplugged and the song “I Hate Consequences” suddenly blared out of her computer at a heart-attack-inducing volume.

…Also applies to school, picking a major, studying for finals, life….

That is all. Pass your finals, then soak in my incredible wisdom and go to the nearest bikram yoga studio. Seriously. I swear they won’t tell you how to live. 😉


Lots of love,



About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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