Author Archives: Julia

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!


Photos coming soon!!!

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Statement of Justification for Academic Year 2011-12 in Logroño, Spain

The first Spanish class I ever took was a voluntary afterschool program offered to fifth-graders by three high school girls determined to become teachers. Having just moved to America from Germany earlier that year, I was already aware of the … Continue reading

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Crumpled leaves swept over Frida Hellman’s grave as if an invisible hand were sweeping crumbs from a table. Lisa sobbed, wiping the tears from her gray-blue eyes.  Then she shifted in sudden modesty to pull her lacy black dress down … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Stuff, Works | Comments Off on Berlin


I’ve been fiddling with the menu options for this website for days, and haven’t been able to get it to work. Thanks to Macaulay ITF John Sorrentino and a little bit of me getting out of my own way, this … Continue reading

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This is where I’ll post all the stuff I’ve written that I really want to share!

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Flashback #1

I woke up at 5 for a few minutes because my lovely mother, who gets up at that time, tried to get me out of bed (off the couch) for breakfast. I mumbled something and slept until 5:40, when I … Continue reading

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Okay, maybe a little >.< Neither playing a geography of Asia game nor trying to get through Macbeth is going to distract me enough. I even got tired of facebook. The thing is, I’m leaving in less than a week. … Continue reading

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Some info you don’t need ;)

The tabs on the website are not playing nice, so here’s a bit of stuff you might not wanna know :p Year 1: Reflections? So, I will be blogging about my 2010-2011 FRESHMAN YEAR at City Macaulay as it comes … Continue reading

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Blogging is the easiest thing ever!

Just kidding. Do you know how much time I just spent trying to make my layout look like it wasn’t attacked by evil, paintbrush-toting sprites? Approximately forever (not really). I don’t remember my last meal (it was fake hot dogs) … Continue reading

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