
Photos coming soon!!!

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Statement of Justification for Academic Year 2011-12 in Logroño, Spain

The first Spanish class I ever took was a voluntary afterschool program offered to fifth-graders by three high school girls determined to become teachers. Having just moved to America from Germany earlier that year, I was already aware of the importance of communication, but Spanish was the first language I’d ever had to learn. I was brought up on German and English, and the thought of becoming fluent in this beautiful new tongue fascinated me. As time went on, I fell more and more in love with the Spanish language.

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Crumpled leaves swept over Frida Hellman’s grave as if an invisible hand were sweeping crumbs from a table. Lisa sobbed, wiping the tears from her gray-blue eyes.  Then she shifted in sudden modesty to pull her lacy black dress down a few centimeters. Her grandmother would have hated the sluttiness of her outfit.

Oma,” she began. Her chin started to wobble and she played nervously with the skinny, blonde braid framing the left side of her face.

Ach, Oma, ich vermiss dich so arg… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do without you here. I really do miss you so much, Oma. Talking to you helps, but—” Lisa’s breath caught, and she swallowed those stupid, ridiculous feelings that only came when she was here. Everyone had known about Frida’s bad heart, but her sudden stroke four months ago had come as a shock. The funeral was quick as the rip of a band-aid, but the gaping wound underneath hadn’t had time to close.

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My custom menu organization. FINALLY! 😀

I’ve been fiddling with the menu options for this website for days, and haven’t been able to get it to work. Thanks to Macaulay ITF John Sorrentino and a little bit of me getting out of my own way, this website is approaching what I hoped it would be by the time I actually go public with it. That will be in three days, a few hours before I leave for Boston.

From Boston, I will fly to Madrid, where I will get on a bus for a few hours to arrive in Logroño in the evening on Saturday. Woo!! Time difference 😛

Flying Iberia! <3

I just got an email from Cristina, a lovely woman who works at Universidad de la Rioja. She confirmed that the people at the dorms will be ready and waiting for me, and that I will get my room number and my roomie info when I arrive. Other international students who will be in my classes are arriving before/on Saturday, as well!!! On day one, we’ll all take a placement test and find out which classes those will be. I bet I’ll meet really awesome people Saturday night and Sunday, before we even have to worry about day one!

Still to do today:

~Finish my justification for food money from Macaulay
~Get my study abroad liability waiver notarized
~Send my entire Opportunities Fund application to Lyn-Donna (Macaulay@City advisor extraordinaire)
~Start packing

That's how I look when I grin :p

Lots of love


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This is where I’ll post all the stuff I’ve written that I really want to share!

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Flashback #1

I woke up at 5 for a few minutes because my lovely mother, who gets up at that time, tried to get me out of bed (off the couch) for breakfast. I mumbled something and slept until 5:40, when I opened my eyes with a start and forced myself to go to the kitchen.

During breakfast, my mom tried to get open a plum jam jar and failed. “Wir brauchen keine Männer! (We don’t need men!)” I proclaimed, and proceeded to pop it open and walk away in triumph to the sound of her surprised laughter…

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Okay, maybe a little >.<

Neither playing a geography of Asia game nor trying to get through Macbeth is going to distract me enough. I even got tired of facebook. The thing is, I’m leaving in less than a week. maybe you think it’s childish to be scared of this amazing opportunity, but I don’t even know my room number yet! And I’m moving in next Saturday :O

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Some info you don’t need ;)

The tabs on the website are not playing nice, so here’s a bit of stuff you might not wanna know :p

Year 1: Reflections?

So, I will be blogging about my 2010-2011 FRESHMAN YEAR at City Macaulay as it comes to me.  :D I made friends with so many wonderful people, learned a lot about being independent, and kept a 4.0 throughout. (YAY!) I was on the Scholars Council, almost became a co-editor of City College’s literary publicationThe Promethean, and slept through USSO. I had a no boys semester, during which ^^surprise!!^^ I did not date, although I did break it a week or so early.

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Blogging is the easiest thing ever!

Just kidding. Do you know how much time I just spent trying to make my layout look like it wasn’t attacked by evil, paintbrush-toting sprites? Approximately forever (not really). I don’t remember my last meal (it was fake hot dogs) and I don’t know how to solve any of my problems (email Macaulay ITF John). So have some LMAO to make me feel better:

Isn’t that the cutest mousepad EVER? He’s very jolly, really.

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