All I see is sky

As someone who likes all genres of music, it is very hard to choose just one song, especially when people often assume that song describes who you are as a person. I decided to choose a song from a musical, so everyone thinks that I am classy. “For Forever” by Ben Platt which was used in the musical Dear Evan Hansen, holds a special place in my heart. Dear Evan Hansen was the first play I ever saw and changed my views on musical theatre forever. While you’re watching the play the meaning of this song is different than when you are just listening to it. When watching the play, you see how depressed Evan is, but if you forget about the play it can be a very happy song. I now see it as a hopeful song and the music plays a big role in this. The music behind it reminds of me of the same type of music that plays in a happy movie. The song reminds me of the color blue, a very light blue. A blue you would witness on a nice day when there a few white clouds in the sky and the sun is bright. I feel very hopeful and happy. My body is transported to a random nostalgic moment in my childhood, when there were no worries in life. Ironically, in the play the complete opposite is happening to Evan. It is also a song whose meaning changes with your feelings. When you are sad, you get the lonely feeling that Evan has when he sings it. However, if you are happy this is a song about friendship.

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