Blog post 11

As humans we are constantly at war with the different sides of ourselves. My Albanian side fights the American one, everyday I struggle to pronounce Albanian  words in the car ride with my dad and while speaking english in class and next semester while speaking Spanish. In an essay I once compared myself to a border, who seems to separate two things, but never fully belongs to either of them. As people it is very common that your personalities are different. I am someone who loves making people laugh and being as loud as I can, but I also love silence. As much as I love being social, I also love staying in my house and binging the office, parks and rec, or Brooklyn nine nine. The reason I don’t like talking about myself is because people assume that one thing you said is who you are, when people are more complex than that. People assume you’re not smart or you’re too smart just from one thing. Believe it or not there are people in this world who think I am quiet and shy. It takes time to get to know every side of a person, but just because two sides contradict themselves doesn’t mean that person isn’t being real.

We are the people we are when we are all alone at 3am, but we’re also who we are when we are surrounded by a crowd laughing. Both are the real you. People change, but one thing remains true and that is that every phase, every attitude, every laugh, and even every bad hair cut has been the real you.

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