Macaulay Honors College Seminar 4 | Professor Robin Rogers

Month: March 2017 (Page 5 of 7)

Response to Chapters 5 and 6

I found both chapters 5 and 6 to be a continuation of prior knowledge, as well as eye opening to see the background behind the militarization of police and the effects of racial profiling. What I found to be disturbing was that since 1990s, there has been a surplus of military arms being sent to local law enforcement. What is alarming about the information is that it takes about a year, or less depending on the program to graduate from the police academy. That is a shorter training for most careers as well as a shorter training period for military personnel. To entrust local law enforcement to handle such machinery like pistols, and other arms, when they have minimal professional training with these weapons is quite dangerous, which has been proven many times. When officers are put into stressful situations end up hurting innocent bystanders using such heavy machinery because they lack the training to know how to stay calm when in a high intensity scenario. What I did notice in the reading was that they were making the attempts to cut out military tools being handed to local law enforcement as a way to make a distinction between the military and the local police. Although they have changed the tactics, I began to wonder what took them so long to make that distinction? Although I was not able to find the answer for that, I was able to get a clearer understanding of the point of the SWAT team. Although, I am cognizant that the SWAT team is there to serve search warrants, and have to use heavy arms to protect themselves from any violent reactions, I do feel that their part in the “war on drugs,” has led to unfair profiling from all sectors of law enforcement, and the judicial system. Most of the SWAT arrests are drug offenses, many of those in are centered in minority communities, mainly black and Hispanic. Reading and knowing that information, made me question, how fair the law enforcement system is? It brought back the biggest question that I have when I think about law enforcement action towards combating drugs, which is why is it that the “war on drugs” is mainly centered around minorities communities who are live in poor areas, when their white peers who live in upper class neighborhoods do not get arrested or served search warrants, even if they might be distributing drugs at the same level?

From recent history I feel that the “war on drugs” became the catalysts for racial profiling in the inner city areas, as the stigma that centered inner city minority areas led to more officers being around, as well as more prejudice towards young black and Hispanic men. I found it disheartening that black teens were fatally killed at a rate of “31.17 per million in comparison to white teens who are killed 1.47 per million” (CQ Researcher). Not only are they killed at a higher rate, but they are stopped and frisked, arrested, jailed, and sentenced at a higher rate than white people for the same and or lesser offenses. What makes it terrible is that they can not afford lawyers who can spend time on their case, and do to prejudice within the justice system they receive harsher sentences that their white counterparts. Although, government officials have called for the use of cameras on cops to ensure that they are taking the right steps when arresting, that does not stop the whole system. Even with cameras, many cops are still prejudice, and if they have a boss who supports them, they can hide evidence when a racial profiling case comes about. Also, we can not focus on the lower level law enforcement when dealing with racial profiling, we also need to think about how we are going to ensure that young minority men are not being steered to take high plea deals, or that the judges presiding over their case is not prejudice. The entire law enforcement and Judicial system needs to be changed, but I feel that no one from the national to local government is taking that initiative to change a racists, and unjust system.

Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling and the associated issues that branch from it have caused issues that have rocked this country multiple times in recent memory, and have been a nearly constant source of tension between ordinary minority citizens and the police supposed to protect them and enforce the laws that keep them safe. From the high-profile killings of unarmed black individuals by police to the controversy of stop and frisk, racial bias in law enforcement is not a trivial issue whatsoever.

I find it sort of baffling that although white people who are stopped and frisked are more likely to be carrying contraband (perhaps because the black constituents of the sampling are already generally more wary because of this issue), blacks are stopped and risked at increased numbers. If this were truly about deterring crime by statistics and reasonable thinking, I would think police would skew their checks toward white subjects, or at the very least even it out, but I guess old and irrational fears, or at worst racism, still drive their behavior in this case.

Regarding the killings; I believe that every case must be looked at individually, for it’s own details. I do not think all of the killings that have sparked protests were out of racism, although BLM may disagree with me. There is a danger in lumping cases like this together, especially ones so emotionally charged, and flying into outrage without looking at things individually. That being said, the culture between minorities and law enforcement certainly aggravates this issue, and inroads need to be taken to mend the ties between minorities and the people who are meant to protect them and enforce the law among them.

Racial Profiling – Chapter 6 Response

Racial Profiling continues to be one of the most pressing issues that we have yet to solve as a nation and I feel that one of the places where the problem is most prevalent is right here, in New York City. It was clear that the so-called Stop and Frisk policies were targeting specific demographic groups, namely people who were African American or Latino. If you fall into one of these groups, you fall under suspicion in the eyes of police officers not because you have committed a crime or engaged in illegal activities but because of factors like the color of your skin.

There has been a ton of research conducted and the data is clear. For instance, in a study presented before Judge Shira Scheindlin, it showed that “53 percent of those stopped were African-Americans and 32 percent Hispanics” with the figure for African Americans being more than double that of the actual percentage of African Americans in the city, 26 percent. That is something unacceptable, and while I feel that the order to implement extensive changes to Stop and Frisk was a step in the right direction, there is still much left to be done.

One of the problems standing in the way is this notion that not many believe that African Americans are treated less fairly than Whites by the police force. For example, in a poll by the Gallup organization, only 34% of whites thought that Blacks were treated unfairly by the police in comparison to whites, while 73% of Blacks said that was indeed the case. This makes me ask myself, do people genuinely believe that Blacks are treated fairly by the police in comparison to whites, or is this the reality that they want to believe is true?

Urban Issues- Chapter 6

Racial profiling has a long history in the past. Since the ratification of Thirteenth Amendment, African-Americans did not receive the proper respect within the society. They fought against the Jim Crow laws and protested to earn their civil rights. Hispanics and Mexicans also had to fight against injustice when Texas became a state. Even though they were the indigenous people there for generation, the white imperialism over their land made them like the foreigners. The treaty after the Mexico-America War did not grant them citizenships right away. White settlers treated them unfairly and deported them as illegal immigrants.


In today’s society, Hispanics and African-Americans are still the main population subjected to racial profiling. For example, “… 53 percent of those stopped were African-Americans and 32 percent Hispanics.” (384) under New York’s Stop-and-Frisk law. These numbers are alarming high for two minority groups. Some experts argued that this law helped New York to lower the murder rate. But in reality, there is not much difference in murder rate with and without the Stop-and-Frisk law. This law can only build more distrust between police and minority community. The development of distrust is bad for the growth of the society overall. When the people started to doubt the integrity of police, this caused people to question the motive of police for anything. This is hard for police to perform their services and start more active patrolling.


Court’s involvement in racial profiling is helpful to set up a statement for the public. Nevertheless, it is up to police to enforce the decision. Often times, the police tends to ignore the statement because they are very “stressed” on the job. It is easier to write on paper than acting it out. I agree with a statement in Urban Issues, “… some racial profiling critics say remedies may be more effective if crafted by law enforcement agencies themselves.” (387) If the police department can set up the requirements to stop a person, then it will become more lucid to every police. Police departments should also trained police more strategy to de-escalate the situations. Body camera can also help the police force to learn from their actions. Many cases in Black Lives Matter movement can be de-escalated. I strongly believe that a police’s life is as important as a citizen’s life. With more friendly approaches, many cases can be solved with no causality. Personally I just found Tamir Rice case outrageous. How can possibly a 12 years old hurt anyone even with a real gun? Any 12 years old would be scared if a police tells them to do anything.


Racial profiling will not end unless there is no more prejudgment in this world. We can only try to reduce racial profiling with more police training and technology to check the power of police.

Chapter 6 Response

Racial and ethnic profiling have been around for centuries, and no matter how outdated it is, profiling persists today. As the CQ discusses, racial profiling exists in the police force. Racial and ethnic profiling had been fought before, but the “Black Lives Matter” movement really shed light on the situation to people that didn’t notice or care to notice before. And it’s a shame people, specifically minority men and women, had to die in order for the broader public to open their eyes and realize how their fellow Americans are treated.

Mac Donald said the aggressive stop-and-frisk policies in NYC lead to crime to decline in the 1990s. She adds that minorities benefited from the tactics, and it is important to bring safety to poor neighborhoods. Others say stop-and-frisk is over-enforcing and driving a wedge between law enforcement and the general population. I agree with the latter. Personally, if I saw more cops in my neighborhood I would take my business elsewhere. High crime neighborhoods have an over abundant amount of officers conducting stop-and-frisk procedures on Americans. Instead of focusing on the number of officers in an area, new strategies should be devised to improve the quality of stop-and-frisk, as the Police Executive Research Forum report suggested. The CQ provides the wedge between law enforcement and the public by stating 73% of blacks say they are treated less fairly and 54% Hispanics say they are treated less fairly as well.

At the end of the chapter, Obama said, “when any part of the American family does not feel like it is being treated fairly, that’s a problem for all of us,” means us Americans as a whole need to combat any obstacle one of us faces, together. I know I won’t understand how it feels to be racially or ethnically profiled, but it affects many Americans today and new law enforcement techniques and strategies must be established.

Chapter 6 Response

Disclaimer: I truly believe that I will never understand what racial profiling is. Since I will not experience it myself, I will never be able to fully comprehend how it effects others who do experience it on a daily basis. As with everything in life, it is difficult to wrap our minds around things that we will not experience first hand.

Reading through this chapter in the CQ reader, I could not stop gasping aloud. I was raised in a very conservative household, and this chapter truly opened my eyes to points of view and information that I had not been previously exposed to. Reading “Black Lives Matter: A Growing Movement”, I was shocked by the way in which these black men were treated. I do not understand how it was necessary for police to shoot Laquan McDonald 16 times. It absolutely boggles my mind.

We live in a country that prides itself on safety and security, meanwhile there is a portion of our population that does not feel safe. It is a scary thought that there are people in this country who do not have someone to call when they feel that they are in harms way. Furthermore, the people they are supposed to call to help them are the very people they fear will hurt them.

I appreciated the At Issue section of this chapter which discussed the question: “Is racial profiling by police a serious problem in the United Stated?” Both sides of this argument were strong and enlightening. Parker discussed how African-Americans and Latinos are more likely to be stopped than whites and the laws surrounding this reality. He concluded with a very powerful quote, “The idea of basing law enforcement on actions rather than on race, ethnicity or religion is long overdue.” In 2017, our society should be very past discriminating based upon race, ethnicity and religion. Mac Donald, on the other hand, had some strong arguments as well. She made a very interesting point regarding the shooting per capita rate in Brownville versus Bay Ridge. It makes sense that in areas with higher rate of gangs and violence there would be more police officers, which would lead to more action and ultimately unfortunately more shootings. She claims proactive policing is what keeps areas safer.

Both Parker and Mac Donald made excellent points. When it comes to issues such as racial profiling, I do not have an answer. I simply just have questions. How can we protect our citizens without causing any physical or emotional harm to them? How can we live in a society where community members do not feel that they are being protected by those that are supposed to be protecting them? Lastly, what methods and techniques can our police officers use to keep our greater communities safe while allowing community members to feel safe as well?

Chapter 6 Response Paper- March 13th

Kenneth Jost’s article takes a practical, historical, and cultural approach towards understanding the debate regarding racial profiling and excessive police force. The primary function of a police force is to maintain the safety of the community for which it works. There is a responsibility to protect the average citizen, the criminal, and the police officer himself. This becomes an issue of balance. How does the police officer protect the citizen without bringing harm to himself or to the criminal? In what situations is it permissible to use force? The potential criminal, the innocent bystander, and the policeman, who himself is a member of a community with a family that wants to be protected, all have equal rights. This article has made me realize that not only are the split-second decisions that have to be made to protect everyone difficult, but even long-term policy decision-making issues are not so straightforward to rule on and enforce.

This article brings up several different issues which tend to blend into one. There are the legalities and local debates regarding racial profiling, and there are the issues of how to handle, without too much force, criminals without unnecessarily hurting or killing them. These are two separate issues, each of which this article reviews. The concept of racial profiling is a policy that needs to be addressed by the courts, and it has been. The rulings of the court prohibiting the targeting of possible criminal suspects based on their race, have already occurred. The rulings can be questioned, reviewed in court, or argued in court, but until there is a change in ruling, this policy, based on much thought, statistics, and rights of each citizen in the US, needs to be followed. There are those who argue that the philosophy underlying racial profiling is to protect the citizen, and that by selecting minority groups to profile, police officers are merely profiling based on criminal statistics. However, the courts have ruled this practice to be prejudicial; why should an entire race or minority group be targeted for inspection, even though they may have a somewhat higher criminal percentage rate? Every person needs to be judged on his own, as an individual, not as a member of a race. The courts have so ruled, however, the ruling is not always followed. There have been local police chiefs who have chosen to ignore court rulings that prohibit racial profiling. The government has just begun to ensure that there is enforcement of these issues through the recording policemen at work. This in itself may seem a violation of individual rights; nevertheless, it ensures that policy is followed. Police chiefs who have ignored court rulings and taken the law into their own hands have recently been indicted themselves.

The second aspect of the problem that needs to be addressed is that of excessive police force. This is a difficult policy to enforce, as there are many human factors involved. Much of the recent rage against the police has been triggered by the police forces’ tendency to use excessive violence, sometimes ending in the death of the alleged criminal. The deaths of some criminals who have recently been targeted include a higher number of minority citizens, leading to the creation of the movement “Black Lives Matter.” The key to understanding how to react to the potentially violent criminal, without excessive violence, is education. Policemen have to face their own fears when threatened with a weapon, but also have to be made to realize that many criminals who appear to be threatening may be living in a moment of panic and fear. It is up to the police and government to set up programs to teach young policemen and policewomen how to de-escalate rather than fuel tense, dangerous situations. There are special tactics that can be used with the mentally ill to calm them down. In contrast, the tactics used to capture a terrorist on a shooting rage are quite different. The policemen on the street need to learn that there are many reasons for criminal behavior, and depending on the etiology, they can play a major role in ensuring the calming of the players and reduction of the tenseness of the situation. Thus, government by way of the court systems should ensure equal treatment for all people, and should also work through the educational system to teach policemen to act as members of the community and learn to calm rather than escalate tense situations. Such an approach can play a significant role in reducing the unfair practice of preselecting criminals and reducing the harm to police and to the criminal when both are in a dangerous situation.





Chapter 6 Response

The issue of racial profiling has been a deeply debated issue for many years, and its prevalence in American society has only grown stronger. Although there are instances where the use of force by law enforcement is warranted, that power can be and is misused, which can lead to very dangerous and fatal circumstances. There have been too many cases of police brutality against minorities, particularly black Americans, in the past few years for this issue to be overlooked and for the perpetrators of this racial profiling to be let off the hook.

Furthermore, there is a pressing situation of ethnic profiling at hand with the introduction of Trump’s travel ban. The mass rejection of Muslim people by the United States is entirely based on their religion and countries of origin, which is about as specific as a case of ethnic profiling can get. The fact that Trump was able to put his law into action in the first place is a mystery to me, considering that Korematsu v. United States established the principle that “race-based restrictions in the law are ‘immediately suspect’. ” One would think the government learned its lesson after the unjust internment of Japanese Americans after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, but that is clearly not the case, as Muslim Americans are being blamed for the actions of ISIS.

I have a family member who is a cop in New York City, so I have heard arguments pertaining to racial profiling and stop-and-frisk at family gatherings. He feels that all cops are being blamed for doing their job simply because some cops are going about their job the wrong way, and he has experienced a lot of animosity between law enforcement and everyday people due to these “bad cops”. However, he does feel that if a person has committed a crime or is fighting back against the officer, some force is warranted or the situation will escalate even more. I don’t agree with his stance on some of the cases mentioned in the CQ reader, but in general, I understand his concern about the damaged relationship between cops and the people they serve.

Racial Profiling- Ch 6 Response

I think what is most interesting about the controversy with racial profiling is that the controversy and debate seems to extend across the professional sphere and the private sphere vehemently. Unlike some other topics that we’ve addressed in the CQ reader such as pollution, racial profiling is somewhat of an everyday background issue. It’s not actually a debate in the black community. Black people know, or think they know (to remain unbiased), that for the most part the institution of law enforcement in general is biased against the black man or woman.


Unfortunately, this topic has pretty much pitted police officers against the average everyday citizen, with an assumption that many people of color take that cops are automatically predisposed against them as opposed to white people. This shouldn’t be so offensive to cops, since women pretty much do the same thing walking down the street and seeing a man that people of color do when they see a cop- go on high alert just in case.


However, police officers seem to get really bent out of shape about it. Many feel like their reputation is being smeared. However, the fact remains that there have been too many Eric Garner or Michael Brown incidents where police officers act on their training to shoot first and ask questions later or to react as though they are in danger when they think other people might be- and insist that they are on the defense when they very well may be perceived by onlookers as the attackers.


Both Presidents Clinton and W. Bush pledged to work to combat the issue of racial profiling in law enforcement, yet Obama remained pretty silent on the topic- at least in terms of public speaking. It has been galling for those in the black community- and I speak from experience through my friends and family- to see the first black president stay silent on indisputably black issues like dealing with the police. Especially since Ferguson happened under his term. Unfortunately, he did not have the same kind of leeway that white men had as presidents- he could not afford to make his presidency a “race thing” when he had run on a platform appealing to all Americans, highly advertising his white side and upbringing. It’s a stick situation for sure, and I personally believed work needs to be done on the ground level.


Do body cameras need to be installed necessarily on every policeman? That’s a budgetary concern, and I believe that in a day and age of smartphones there are witnesses who will bring the unlawful to task via the internet and social media. As for preventative measures, I agree that police forces must work within themselves to retrain officers and maintain a friendly relationship with the community members that they work near and alongside in many cases. Racial profiling is a whole can of worms, but its existence cannot be denied- although I’m sure someone will surely, since I’m only the second to post.


CQ Chapter 6- Response

Racial profiling is an extremely complex and broad issue. Although this reader does a good job giving you two sides of the argument, a mere 20 pages is not enough information to have read to accurately come to a conclusion on whether there is truly a racial profiling issue in this country. I have heard both sides, besides for what is presented in this chapter, and I can’t definitevly say whether there is a hundred percent a real issue within out police departments, country-wide, with racial profiling.

However, I think that regardless of whether there actually is this phenomenon of racial profiling, there are problems that exist within this country and it’s police officers. The fact that there are (as of 2015) 73% of Blacks in this country that think they are treated less fairly is unacceptable. Whether it is justified or not, or true or not, it’s a problem. You can not have a significant part of your population feeling like they are treated differently than everyone else. That’s what this country has been fighting against for decades. In addition to that, the level of distrust in our police officers has risen to a level that is also way too high. The people that are supposed to be the ones you call at a time of need, when you are looking for help, should not be people that an entire population of people have no trust in and think that calling for their help will end up harming them even more. Again, it makes no difference whether there is racial profiling taking place or not. In order to get to this point, where a big chunk of the American population fear the police instead of look up to the police, then something went wrong, whatever that might be.

It’s easy to look at the amount of killings that has taken place recently and just throw your arms in the air and yell that it’s due solely to racial profiling. I think that is a terrible way to go about it. First off, like i said above, there is a lot of information and statistics behind this, that you can’t take a few samples and decide that that is the general rule. Every time a human beings life is taken, there is, usually, a lot more to the story of how that tragedy happened than what we know. Despite what people might want to claim, most officers are not just thirsting to kill people, and specifically black people. Killing someone is not something most people ever want to do in their life. So before pinning someone as a racist who just wants to kill black people, or any other claim along those lines, stop and think for a second if you really think that’s true.

Given that, there are some disturbing killings that have taken place. Even if you claim that some of these were warranted, which not all were, the way they are handled is terrible. For a 17 year old kid, or anyone for that matter, to be shot 16 times by the police after being called for breaking into cars is absolutely absurd. There is zero excuse for that and things like that just feed the fire of distrust and hate brewing amongst the american public.

So, like i said, I don’t have enough information and haven’t done enough research to know whether this issue is a real issue or not. But that doesn’t take away from all the other issues that stem from this and that relate to this. There are many, they are all serious and they must all be dealt with.

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