Francis O’Neill & Kathleen Moore: an Irish view of a changing holiday

While sitting with my Great-Aunt Francis and my Aunt Kathy at dinner last week, I couldn’t help but ask the two of them: what were the differences that they noticed between the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland and in New York City? My Aunt Francis grew up in Northern Ireland, and now lives in Woodside–and her years in both of the most celebrated homes of St. Patrick’s Day allowed her to give me much insight. My Aunt Kathy, although she lives in California, grew up surrounded by the NYC celebrations of this holiday, and has visited Ireland during this holiday on many occasions. While sitting down with these two amazing women, I learned much about St. Patrick’s Day–and how much it differs between its homeland and America.

The following audio, originally 45 minutes long, has only been briefly edited for content–a more polished version is soon to be published as well.

Aunt Francis Export

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