Design Ideas

I was googling some of the best WordPress websites (since that’s the technology we are using) to get some ideas for our website design and came across the following:

Lindsey Breeden
I really liked the iPhone navigation that is on the front page of this website. I am not exactly sure how it pertains to the whole holiday idea but it is very hip as well as visually appealing. I thought each of our holidays could serve as a different “app.” I think we have around 16 holidays, which fits perfectly into the 16 icon grid that is on the screen. Running along the bottom, where you keep your more important apps, we could have the “Introduction,” “About Us,” “Calendar,” and “World Map” pages that we discussed in class. Making the iPhone, as well as the separate iCons, shouldn’t be a problem and is a project that I can overtake. Again I am not sure how this works with the holiday theme, but something that could work very well given our topic and pages.

This website seems like something that very well fits what we talked about in class. I like how all the pictures are of uniform shape and style (black and white with a pattern overlay). I also like the rollover function, how when the mouse hovers over a particular picture, it changes the picture’s color, as well as displays text. This website seems very clean and visually attractive.

Creative Ad Awards
I really like the slideshow that takes up the majority of this page. It allows each of our holidays to get a dedicated, full frame picture. I particularly like how the user has the freedom to click on any picture they want with the bar running along the bottom. The user can click on any holiday it wants, showing them a full frame picture of that holiday, in which they can click on taking them to the page of that holiday.

These are just some ideas that I found online. I particularly favor the iPhone idea because it very much so works with our pages. Stuff like a calendar and a map are actual apps on the iPhone. It looks really cool and is neat, organized, and visually appealing. The UI (user interface) is also something that everyone, or close to everyone, is familiar with.

Also, I like to consider myself pretty proficient in Adobe Photoshop so if anyone needs any sort of manipulation of a still photograph, I can help. I am an avid photograph and edit a lot of pictures.

Look forward to hearing everyone’s comments and getting started on the actual design

Quick Mockup of what our class iPhone would look like:

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