*How to Resize your Photos for the Web/ePortfolios

Before you upload your images to our course site, you should make sure to resize them so that they don’t take up too much space on our course site/MHC web server.

No worries … it’s very simple to do this resizing!  Tsai-Shiou, another lovely ITF (from Queens College) has provided helpful instructions to guide you through the process.

You can even make your images smaller than what is suggested in the tutorial if you find they don’t look right within your blog posts/pages by inputting custom dimensions.  If you use the resizing option in Preview, and input one number, the other one will adjust automatically unless you tell it to do something else (the same is true for Gimp, another photo editing software that comes preloaded on your MHC Macs, and in many other apps).

Please make sure that you resize all images before uploading them to our site.

You may also want to crop your photos before resizing/uploading them in order to highlight specific parts of them.  Cropping is easiest in Preview–use the select tool, then crop (command-K), then resize as per Tsai-Shiou’s awesome tutorial.

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