Author Archives: Misu Kim

Posts by Misu Kim

About us Thumbnail--posted on May 15, 2011
Mother’s Day Thumbnail--posted on May 11, 2011
Mother’s Day Page--posted on May 11, 2011
Online Photo Editor--posted on May 9, 2011
Mother’s Day – Interviews--posted on May 4, 2011
Mother’s Day--posted on Apr 26, 2011
Mother’s Day--posted on Apr 3, 2011

Comments by Misu Kim

"This is AMAZING! I think this will work out perfectly if everyone agrees. Nice job Nick!"
--( posted on May 9, 2011, commenting on the post A Working iPhone/Homepage )
"The iPhone idea is really cool. I think it would be better if we can click on the "apps""
--( posted on May 9, 2011, commenting on the post Design Ideas )
"I have been participating in the event for three years now! I never knew it was a national holiday in China though. If you want, I can get some people from my dragon boating team for your interview. Let me know if you're interested! Like Renee said, I'm not sure how you're going to incorporate NYC's immigration into the project."
--( posted on Apr 26, 2011, commenting on the post Duanwu Jie )