Author Archives: Nick Scala

Posts by Nick Scala

About Us Pages--posted on May 17, 2011
Banner--posted on May 16, 2011
iPhone has had a software update…--posted on May 11, 2011
Holidays/Names/Thumbnails/Headshots--posted on May 11, 2011
Possible Combination for Jeremy’s Thumbnail--posted on May 11, 2011
Thumbnail for Ann--posted on May 11, 2011
A Working iPhone/Homepage--posted on May 9, 2011
iPhone with NYC Background (Possible Homepage)--posted on May 9, 2011
Design Ideas--posted on May 6, 2011
Easter – Brief Outline, Preliminary Interviewing & Research--posted on Apr 25, 2011

Comments by Nick Scala

"I had the same problem. For some people, just posting the link automatically turns it into the embedded video, but for me that didn’t work. I also tried copying the embedded info into the HTML thing and that didn’t work. I just put the link for now. I am hoping to find out some magical way to fix it in the future. :("
--( posted on May 17, 2011, commenting on the post helppppppppppp! )
"Hey, Jill sent me this in an email when she read the iPhone homepage, which is just the first two paragraphs of this post. "-2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence: "composed team" (and the syntax of the beginning of that sentence) is a bit odd ... -Same sentence: "holidays were endless" (grammatically, it should be "are," not "were"). This seems too simple/reductive. This is your chance to hook your viewers, to get them to want to view the site and learn more. Is the thesis/argument/point - the "so what?" of the class project merely that holidays are "endless" - that there are many of them? This is not focused enough for a research project. Maybe you should consult with Kyu's Introduction - or even contact him - or the class - for some more specific language for this section). Cheers, Jill""
--( posted on May 17, 2011, commenting on the post Introduction )
"Thanks! Added it to the site!"
--( posted on May 16, 2011, commenting on the post About us Thumbnail )
"Thanks! Everything has been updated! And you’re welcome :)"
--( posted on May 13, 2011, commenting on the post About Us – Thumbnail )
"Thanks! Everything has been updated!"
--( posted on May 13, 2011, commenting on the post Thumbnail for “About Us” )
"Oh wait... were you planning on having them link to your different pages? Cuz then my one photo thing kinda doesn’t work. LOL. Sorry wasn’t paying attention."
--( posted on May 12, 2011, commenting on the post HELPPPP )
"Hey, I don’t know why that was happening, nor how to fix it. I put them together in Photoshop and posted the image above. Hope that helps. :)"
--( posted on May 12, 2011, commenting on the post HELPPPP )
"Thanks! It has been added to the iPhone."
--( posted on May 11, 2011, commenting on the post Thumbnail )
"I agree! Good choice! It’s been updated :)"
--( posted on May 11, 2011, commenting on the post Saint Patrick’s Day thumbnail II )
"Sure... Just send it to"
--( posted on May 11, 2011, commenting on the post Holidays/Names/Thumbnails/Headshots )
"That’s the idea :)"
--( posted on May 9, 2011, commenting on the post Design Ideas )
"These seem like great resources and from reputable sources, just keep in my using the hyperlink function when you create your final post because these links weren’t clickable (for me at least). :)"
--( posted on May 6, 2011, commenting on the post Eid al-Fitr: More Articles )
"Mother’s day is a good topic because it is completely universal. Everyone has a mother and as far as I know tries to do something special for her on that day. Ying Zhang, in her interview talks about how the Chinese buy their mothers perfume and healthy things as opposed to in America where she buys her mother cake and flowers. You might be able to expand on that. Toby Joseph’s interview doesn’t seem to me as useful as Ying’s. Personally, my family on mother’s day gets together, my aunts, uncles, cousins. We normally have a barbecue in which the men do most of the work (i.e. cooking and cleaning). I buy my mother flowers and a gift certificate to the nail salon. I am not at all sure of what they do back in Germany or Italy (my originating countries), but generally here, we try to pamper my mother as much as possible. I hope this helps! Good luck"
--( posted on May 6, 2011, commenting on the post Mother’s Day – Interviews )
"Thanks for your compliments. And you make a great point, I will definitely keep that in mind when writing."
--( posted on Apr 26, 2011, commenting on the post Easter – Brief Outline, Preliminary Interviewing & Research )
"You have a really interesting topic and I love your organization. It seems structured and efficient. Can’t wait to read those interviews! And nice diagram!"
--( posted on Apr 26, 2011, commenting on the post Islamic Holiday: Eid al-Fitr, the Celebration of Concluding Ramadan )
"I asked a friend of mine who was really in touch with their culture. I figured she would be the best source. Her parents are fairly recent immigrants so they were able to give her that information. And as far as organization? Nope, haven’t gotten that far"
--( posted on Apr 26, 2011, commenting on the post Easter – Brief Outline, Preliminary Interviewing & Research )