Author Archives: rita

Posts by rita

Rita’s Pic--posted on May 16, 2011
Dragon Boat Festival Site--posted on May 10, 2011
Dragon Boat Festival Icon-Frontpage--posted on May 9, 2011
Interview through aim-Dragon Boat Racing Preparations/Training (Duanwu Jie)--posted on May 3, 2011
Duanwu Jie--posted on Apr 24, 2011
端午节 Duanwu Jie- Holiday Proposal--posted on Apr 3, 2011

Comments by rita

"I would like to add another idea~ =) We could make our home page like the front page of the NYTimes. On the column with the sections (World, U.S., politics...etc.), we could have the names of our holidays. When we click on each name of the holidays it could lead the reader to each of our pages. And we can have a headline and lead for each of our holidays on the home page with a slide-show of pictures just like what's on the front page of the NYTimes. ("
--( posted on May 4, 2011, commenting on the post Notes for 5/4/11 )
"Thanks Jill. :)"
--( posted on Apr 30, 2011, commenting on the post Duanwu Jie )
"I contacted Misu and she's going to forward me some of her teammates emails. And I just finished an interview/conversation with a mutual friend who's also on the dragon boat team. From her, I've got some insight on the preparations for the dragon boat race. I plan to attend one of their training, where I hope to get more perspectives on dragon boat racing, which is the main aspect of the festival in NYC. Let me know what you think. =)"
--( posted on Apr 30, 2011, commenting on the post Duanwu Jie )
"Thanks. I'll compare how it's celebrated in NY to other places in China and maybe around the world. =)"
--( posted on Apr 30, 2011, commenting on the post Duanwu Jie )
"Thanks Misu! To be honest, I really don't know if I can connect this to NYC's immigration. Any ideas?"
--( posted on Apr 30, 2011, commenting on the post Duanwu Jie )
"What do you remember from the celebration in Hong Kong? I'm going to interview some of Misu's teammates (all New Yorkers I bet) and get an idea of how they prepare for the dragon boat race and the festival."
--( posted on Apr 30, 2011, commenting on the post Duanwu Jie )