Author Archives: Slava

About Slava

"After a full year at Macaulay I’ve gained an appreciation for interdisciplinary study and drew inspiration from my seminars to double-major in Economics and Philosophy instead of going on a traditional B.B.A. in Finance track. In light of the economic and social conditions that surfaced in the last few years, it has been difficult to take the financial markets for granted as a background mechanism that accordingly weaves the fabric of civilization. The turmoil generated by ethical and practical incongruence has made the studying of ethics and moral theory in the context of the markets all the more urgent. In the last year I’ve become interested in developing a more conscientious perspective before pursuing an education in business and exploring a career in banking. Aside from my professional endeavors I am a pretty fun guy. I have invested myself in student life on-campus via the Undergraduate Student Government and spent last semester volunteering at HousingWorks at Gramercy. I’m this year I am looking to diversify my experience on campus by taking a more active role in Macaulay’s student life and through pledging to a professional fraternity. " Sourced from Seminar 3: Ecosystems Management of NYC

Posts by Slava

Victory Day in Brighton Beach--posted on Apr 6, 2011

Comments by Slava

"I'm actually not sold on the iPhone idea; I think it's kind of tacky. If we were making an actually app for the iPhone than it wouldn't be such a bad idea, but I don't think that a virtual iPhone interface flows well with a mouse a computer mouse or trackpad. However, I really like the second site "visualquimia" and I think that its interface it appropriate for our project."
--( posted on May 9, 2011, commenting on the post Design Ideas )
"Renee, this is definitely going to be an insightful project. The structure is definitely appropriate for a wiki and the idea of using this holiday as a scope for identifying Middle Eastern religion, culture, and ethnicity is intriguing."
--( posted on Apr 26, 2011, commenting on the post Islamic Holiday: Eid al-Fitr, the Celebration of Concluding Ramadan )