Sanne Lynam

Hey! I am a freshman in Macaulay Honors College at Baruch. I am planning to major in ecology, with a minor in Spanish. I would say that my main passion in life is animals, which is the reason I have been a vegetarian for several years now. In my future, I hope to pursue a career either in veterinary medicine or environmental conservation. Another passion of mine is traveling and I cannot wait for my study abroad to start! One place I am planning to study in is Costa Rica, where I went for spring break last year. My dad owns property in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle and my time spent on the farm and the nearby EARTH University has inspired me to want to live there for an extended period of time.

My mother is Swedish and my whole family lived in Sweden until I was about four years old. We moved to New York and I have been living in the Bronx since then. I used to celebrate midsummer in Sweden every year but the past few years I have spent it in Battery Park. Midsummer is one of my favorite holidays and I wanted the chance to share it with the rest of the world. I hope my page inspires you to come to the midsummer festival this year!

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