Creating Happiness in New York Project Idea

My project idea is centered around the idea of creating happiness in New York since I believe that making it in New York, or anywhere for that matter, depends on how happy you are, not on fame or fortune. For my project, I want to interview two people on opposite ends of the wealth spectrum, but who are both happy with what they’ve created for themselves. I think it would be interesting to understand how two people who are so opposite can both be so happy with their lives.

2 thoughts on “Creating Happiness in New York Project Idea”

  1. You’re taking two different perspectives and combining it into one–it’s a great idea, Sabrina! I’m just curious, would you interview them at the same time? Would you introduce them and provoke a conversation about how they each define ‘making it’? It’d be interesting to see whether they oppose the others’ views or respect that they have lived different lifestyles.

  2. Sabrina, what an interesting approach! In class, we should discuss how it fits in with the overall rubric of making it in NYC — maybe that’s something we want to tweak.
    There was a fascinating study I recall reading about some years ago re what really does make a person happy. It compared two people (I think in the Boston area). One was fairly rich and fairly healthy; the other was poorer, not in such good shape but volunteered extensively at her local church and had a good-sized family, and those last two elements apparently contributed more to her happiness than did wealth and good health for the first person. I found that so interesting.

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