“Making It” stories

I plan on interviewing my best friend on what her ambitions are for the future and how she plans on making an impression on the world.  I’d also ask her what her definition of “making it” is and whether it has to do more with success or happiness (because I don’t think the two necessarily have to coexist).

I also want to interview my Italian professor.  I think he would be a perfect example for both the past and present.  When he was younger he used to be an artist and painted abstract images. I would ask him how that time in his life went, what his dreams were, why he stopped painting, and if he thinks his career now as a professor fulfills his dreams.

One thought on ““Making It” stories”

  1. Courtney, it’s good that you’re asking someone to define what “making it” is. It means a lot of things to a lot of different of people, so to ask one of the people to define it will add depth to the the website. Interviewing your Italian professor is definitely a cool idea as well, I’m curious about the reason he stopped painting.

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