My Story Pitch

For my one of my stories, I want to interview a Yemeni deli worker by the name of Malik. He works at a deli on 152nd Street and is amusing, engaging, and energetic. I figure he would  be a good candidate for a story seeing as I am familiar with him, and I think he would enjoy telling his immigration story. I also want to see if he feels that America has fulfilled his expectations and whether or not he feels as if he has “made it”.

For my other story I want to interview a student named Richard who is in my Chemistry lab and workshop. He has what seems to be an Australian accent, although I could be wrong. I figure that it would be interesting to find out how he ended up in New York, because I don’t see a lot of Australians here. Also, he looks to be of Asian descent, so there may be yet another layer to his story. I know he is a Physics major, and I want to learn about his ambitions and his definition of success as well how he feels about his progress on “making it” in New York. 

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