Story Pitch

My idea for the SOMINY project is to interview three people: A student at CCNY, with plans to “make it” in New York, one of my friends who is in the process of “making it” in New York, and perhaps a professor, or really any person who believes they’ve “made it” in New York. Ideally, I would prefer those who choose to be interviewed to be originally from a state other than New York, or from outside the country.

I would focus on what their definition of “making it” is, and also, if that person is not from New York, whether each person feels like a New Yorker, or like a person from somewhere else. While each state, country province, etc. may be very different from others, I still think there are many similarities between all of them. Therefore, I want to know what each person considers to be the defining aspect of their place of origin, or New York, that makes them affiliate more with whichever they choose. 

Whether I use audio/video will be dependent on what each person interviewed is comfortable with. 

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