Story Pitch

My story pitch would be to interview my friend Brian Kissoon. He is a first generation immigrant from Trinidad. He came to America during his teenage years, when he was mature enough to understand the difficulties. He had attended City College to study computer science for a short while. Now he works in Times Square; he daily takes the 6 train to commute from West Bronx. In this story, I want to explore how Brian preserved his trinidadian culture through cooking, how he has assimilated into New York culture, how the neighborhood may have affected his journey, and whether he feels himself successful or happy. This story represents the past, because if Brian feels happy or satisfied with his current situation, the story has happened and resulted in a happy ending. Alternatively, it could also represent the present if Brian still aspires to something higher, indicating that the journey continues. 

One thought on “Story Pitch”

  1. I like how you are exploring the darker aspects of a person’s story. It is a much more challenging approach to this project, but a necessary one nonetheless. Things don’t always work out, and people should know that. This is not say that Brian’s life won’t work out though.

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