Possible Story

For the public facing project, I would like to interview two of my friends from high school. They are both in the drama department, a sophomore and a junior. I plan to ask them about what their dreams are and the steps they can take to achieve them. I’d also like to ask them how they think being in New York will affect their ability to reach for the proverbial stars.

2 thoughts on “Possible Story”

  1. Sounds like a neat idea–I feel that the idea of making it in the theater business in NYC is one that has a lot of potential. Maybe you could connect their stories to historic/past examples of people who have come to NYC to “make it” in theater.

  2. I agree with Sasha, an idea about making in the theater world is a very literal and interesting approach to the assignment. I also think it is an interesting idea to speak to teenagers who are still in the “dreaming” stage and thus offer a unique perspective.

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