Bronx Neighborhood Fights for Its Spot on the Map

I came across this article about a neighborhood in the north Bronx, officially called Allerton, but has been mistaken for “Laconia” or “Bronxdale” and has not been recognized or included on maps. 

As I was reading the article, I wondered if perhaps the city’s delayed acknowledgement of Allerton has anything to do with the lack of acknowledgement of the Bronx in general. I wonder why the Bronx always gets the short end of the stick. 

What do you all think? Am I reading too much into this?




One thought on “Bronx Neighborhood Fights for Its Spot on the Map”

  1. Alexis,
    so glad you posted this. it’s interesting — the issue of neighborhood names in the Bronx has been perennially fraught (in a way that it hasn’t in all the other boroughs). think that’s partly because back in the day people didn’t use neighborhood names much — they’d simply say they lived near the zoo or on Mosholu Parkway or near St. Ann’s Church or somesuch.

    And then when the troubles of the 60s and 70s hit, the whole southern half of the borough was slapped with the label South Bronx, and I don’t think it’s fully recovered.

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