Little Italy is REALLY LITTLE [and nice haikus]

This article caught my eye a few weeks ago and is my main inspiration for the next assignment.

Link is here.

According to NY Post, Little Italy is on the brink of extinction. The once lively neighborhood that became home to many Italian immigrants now only covers three blocks of Mulberry Street. It’s original size was 50 square blocks!

So how does everyone feel about this? I was and still am both shock and sad at Little Italy’s current situation. If it disappears, a piece of New York City history will also disappear.  Any ideas to how to prevent Little Italy from disappearing? Should the government play a role in preserving Little Italy? If so, how? Is there a specific entity to be blame? If so, where/who should the finger be pointed at?

On a side note, NY Times has asked New Yorkers to send in haikus about the city. They’re worth taking a look at. Link is below.

New York City in 17 Syllables 

One thought on “Little Italy is REALLY LITTLE [and nice haikus]”

  1. When I was a kid, I always toyed with the notion of Little Italy as a small fish being devoured by Chinatown. It was hard not too as it only took a brisk ten minute walk to cover Little Italy. I do agree that Little Italy needs to be preserved, as it was mentioned in the Brooklyn College lecture, because it contains a large deal of early immigrant history. However, I feel at the same time it is unrealistic to have a portion of New York City not change. New York City is known for not having the same scenery for more than ten years. The remaining parts of Little Italy, are long standing restaurants. However, recently I saw one of them go out of business. I may not like it but the neighborhood is changing.

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