Publication on Immigration in New York City

from Connie:

This is a publication that kind of has our name on it: It’s called “Feet in 2 Worlds,” it’s a project of the Center for NYC Affairs at the New School, and it says its mission is “telling the stories of today’s immigrants.”

Take a look and let us know if you find something particularly interesting!

One thought on “Publication on Immigration in New York City”

  1. I found this site to be quite interesting. It takes a different spin on exploring the ‘American Dream’ and researching how it has changed over time. I particularly liked the ‘Fi2W Poll: What is the ‘American Dream’ for Today’s Immigrants?’ I think it was a clever addition to their site–making it more interactive–while gaining useful information. Our “New York Dreams” Project focuses on similar points of interest. Perhaps it would be useful if we incorporate some of their questions in our interview process.

    These are some of the questions of the poll:
    -What is your ‘American dream’?
    -Do you believe you can achieve your ‘American Dream’?
    -Can you realize your dream without being a U.S. citizen?

    This is the link to the Fi2W poll, if you want to would like to participate, or just look at the questions for reference:

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