Stylianos (Stelios) Markou

Hey everyone, My name’s Stylianos Markou (but you guys can call me Stelios if it’s easier). I’ve pretty much lived all over in my life. Everyone that I know in my family is 100% Greek, including myself. I was born in Athens, Greece, but moved to New York at the age of 6. I then ended up moving to a small town in North Carolina called Mooresville for middle school. The small town life didn’t exactly suit me, or my parents so we moved back in 8th Grade, where I’ve lived since. I’ve really gotten the opportunity to be part of two separate worlds. Things seem to run differently in small towns, and it’s definitely helped me better understand the people around me, and have helped shape me as a person.

I love sports. Especially soccer. I breathe and live for soccer. I’ve been playing it for most of my life, and really don’t plan on stopping. Sports have probably been the biggest influence in my life. It definitely helps that in Greece the only thing you really have to pass the time is sports, so in my house odds are, someone is going to be watching a sports game. If you ever need to find me and can’t, just look for your closest soccer field!

I’m definitely looking forward to this class. Having lived in Queens for most of my life, I’ve definitely had the good fortunes of being part of a very culturally diverse community, but I know that I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface. There’s still so many things that I want to learn about all of the subcultures that live around me, and I’m really hoping that this class can help lead me in the right direction.

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