My Migration to New York

I don’t really remember my first visit to New York City. I was in forth grade and had come from Buffalo for my mother’s college graduation. I remember seeing the Flatiron Building, riding the subway, and craning my neck to try and see the tops of the buildings; but not much else. I do remember, however, telling my father that I was going to go to live here one day. I knew then that I would do everything in my power to move to New York City as soon as I could.

Fast forward to my senior year of high school. While most of my friends were applying to colleges around our hometown, I was looking for the cheapest way to go to New York for college. My parent’s had told me early on that I was responsible for my college debt. That’s how I found Macaulay and knew that it was going to help me accomplish my dream. The day I got accepted was the happiest day of my life because I knew there was nothing holding me back anymore. When my friends would ask me if I was scared, I’d tell them no. That was only half true. In a way, I wasn’t scared since I was too excited to begin my adventure and do something different. But I was scared, because I was leaving everything familiar behind -my friends, my family, my home- in favor of a completely new life.

When it finally came time to move in, my mother drove me. I’ll never forget leaving my house, knowing it would no longer fully be my home. It was so difficult to know I would be going so far away but I was also excited to begin my new adventure. After eight hours of driving, we arrived at my dorm and I met my roommates. We unpacked and I said goodbye to my mom. That was really the hardest part. My mom was always there for me as a kid and knowing she would be so far away was terrifying.

After six months of being on my own, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. My roommates are my best friends; I spend all my time with them. I’m incredibly lucky since I’ve never heard of anyone getting along so well with his or her roommates. Living in the city is amazing. I get to experience something new everyday. My favorite thing about the city is that I can walk out my door and be anywhere in a matter of minutes. I can explore multiple neighborhoods in one day, each with their own distinct personality. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and remember that I live here, in the greatest city in the world, and I get excited all over again. Moving to New York was the greatest decision I ever made. Moving away from everything familiar to me was scary but it made me braver, more mature, and I’m proud that I had the courage to follow my dreams.

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