Immigration Remakes and Sustains New York

Today, I stumbled upon an article on the New York Times website,

, that focuses on the influx of the Chinese population in New York in recent years, and how the Chinese immigrant population in New York is soon to overtake the the Dominican immigrant population in terms of size. It also talks about how immigrants in New York are a constant source of economic vitality. During the New York economic slump of the 1970s, it was an increase in immigration that saved New York, and immigration eventually made New York into the economic powerhouse that it is today. The article also speaks about how as New York grows economically, it will continue to attract more and more immigrants. This begs the question, will there ever be a point at which immigration hinders New York, or will immigrants forever be New York’s life and blood?

One thought on “Immigration Remakes and Sustains New York”

  1. Interesting to discover that Chinese may soon become the largest immigrant group in New York! Now it makes sense that there are new Chinatowns on the rise–the one in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, for example, has seen tremendous growth recently.

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