Paulina Librizzi


My name is Paulina Librizzi. I am a New Yorker, born and raised in the city. I like to think that I am incredibly close with my heritage as an Italian-American, but I realize I am so much further from my heritage than most because the initial immigrants came over about a century ago. It sometimes seems bourgeois to speak of my heritage because  connection to the actual culture has been diluted over the years. I cling to it still because I believe in stories. Stories make the wheels of New York City turn, because we each have something unique and interesting to share.



This is my picture from a few months ago.

3 thoughts on “Paulina Librizzi”

    1. Sorry for the late response. I wouldn’t have had a problem uploading another photo, because my photo might have been a png instead of a jpeg, which could have caused a correctible issue, but if it’s all okay, that’s good.

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