“New York’s Dream Act Dies”

Last week, the New York State Senate rejected the Dream Act, which would give financial aid to college students who are undocumented immigrants. What do you all think – is it good that the Dream Act was rejected? Or should it have gone through? (Is it worth our tax dollars?)

Personally, I really support giving undocumented immigrants a college education–especially to those who were brought to NY as infants. Moreover, as the article pointed out, having more people with college degrees benefits the state economy.

Check out the article here:


One thought on ““New York’s Dream Act Dies””

  1. I agree. I think the main issue people have with illegal immigrants is either that they “steal jobs” or don’t pay taxes. Essentially, they’re a burden on the state. Denying an immigrant student access to a better education only increases the likelihood that they’ll be a burden on the state as opposed to an asset. I don’t know much on the legal specifics of the Dream Act, so there may have been some aspect to it that could lead to its being rejected. However, I support its general goal. If there was such a discrepancy that made it a difficult bill to pass, I hope that it is remedied and resubmitted.

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