Practical Typography

Keeping in mind that our final project is to put together a website, I found this really neat online book by Matthew Butterick called ‘Practical Typography’. The book focuses on deciding what kind of type (font) to use for certain cases. I think it would be really cool to use some of his ideas and implement them to give our project a really nice, professional look. Here’s a link to his book:

What do you guys think?

2 thoughts on “Practical Typography”

  1. This is brilliant!

    I took a course in digital media and web design in high school and my teacher stressed the importance of typography and choosing the right font and sizing of your words for a webpage. It really makes or breaks whether or not a viewer wants to go through your website. And then it becomes detrimental to you if you put in all the hard work of creating an aesthetically pleasing layout and maximized accessibility. If the wording of the page is harsh on the eye, the viewer isn’t going to be interested in much else. So yeah I think this is important for everyone to take into consideration when creating a webpage.

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