4 thoughts on “Sneak Peek”

  1. It looks nice! I assume the website will comprise of those tiles that will fill the webpage. I also notice that the tiles are inherently scalable, which is a good touch for varied webpage sizes. The only concern I would have going forward is making sure the photos that people take will be of a high enough resolution to fit the featured/background look when you click on a tile to read the story.

  2. I really liked the feel of it. I see that the landing page has two tiles representing the two stories, and the size of those tiles are perfect – nice and big. However, just a design question. I notice that the tiles by themselves display the title and subtitle of the work it links to, while the image is darkened behind it. When you hover your mouse over the tile, the image lightens up. Is it possible to have just the image show, and then when you hold your mouse over it, the image darkens and the title and subtite appear in the tile. Is that possible in this website? This also begs the question of whether everyone wants the tile designed that way. Its just my oinion to put more focus on the visual when you have the titles, and make the viewer click for text.
    I loved the way once you enter the website how the image remains the stationary background. It also puts pressure on us to choose the right image. Since that image would be shown so prominantly on your story webpage, it has to tell the viewer a lot about what the story is about.
    Its very good. This is pretty exciting!

    1. (Sorry about the delay; I thought I had already responded to your comment.)

      Thanks so much for your thoughts! I think your idea for the tiles is nice, and I will try to change their behavior in the way you describe unless anybody has strong objections.

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