Young People and the Midterm Elections

As young people, the country is depending on us in the upcoming midterm elections. In states like North Carolina that are divided into the older people who tend to be more conservative and younger people who tend to be more liberal, young people are less likely to vote in the midterm elections. In the presidential elections the turn out is pretty equal but in midterm elections, older voters turn out at much higher rates than younger ones.

This is not just a problem in North Carolina. In “The Myth of Swing Voters in Midterm Elections”, NYTimes writer Lynn Vavreck discusses the lack of democrat voter turnout in young people during the 2010 elections: “But on turnout, the numbers were not evenly balanced for Democrats and Republicans. Only 65 percent of Obama’s 2008 supporters stuck with the party in 2010 and voted for a Democrat in the House. The remaining 28 percent of Mr. Obama’s voters took the midterm election off. By comparison, only 17 percent of McCain’s voters from 2008 sat out the midterms.” During midterm elections, deomocrats routinely have worse voter turn out than republicans. More democrats come from groups like Latinos and young people, who tend to vote at lower rates in midterm elections. Here’s another article from 2010 about the problem:

A lot of people complain about Obama’s innaction during his presidency which I totally agree with, but I also think that so much progress has been impeded by bipartisan conflict in Congress. This midterm election could change that. I think we should all register to vote if we have not already and remind our peers that even if the midterm elections aren’t as flashy as the presidential election, they can make as big of a difference. Do you guys agree?

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