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MOMA- Demoiselles d' Avignon

 One of the most striking aspects of the painting was its enormous size. It was at least twice my size in height and quite wide as well. The painting was so large you had to step back in order to take it all in at once. After having accustomed to its dimensions, I found the figures themselves to be striking. In middle school, I had studied Pablo Picasso's work and thus noticed the painting's qualities that followed Cubism. The shapes that made up the women were very geometrical and sharp. Hence, the bodies of such women were less curvaceous then conventional ideals.


Traveling from Staten Island to Baruch College, I always get to see at least 2 street performances. This is why most of the time I end up with no change for my bag of chips or the extra dollar to buy myself a drink between breaks. It's because I love the street performers and performances so much, I am bound to give them some support/ contribution (money). Whether the the performers are playing an instrument, doing magic tricks, dancing, or singing, they're usually not given the attention as they deserve, which upsets me many times.

Patty's picture

Dangerous liaisons: war of lights and sexes

Knowing the story of Dangerous Liaisons, and reading about Muller’s Quartett, I was ready to encounter this what seemed incredible experience.
As it turned out, the Quartett was more than I expected. Starting with the theater itself, BAM Harvey Theater, a place so rough and empty. The walls half painted, half bricked. Just by entering the mezzanine, one had the impression of being teleported into a different world. And it was just the begging of the journey.

Picasso - Beautiful but Confusing

     The Picasso Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is considered the cornerstone of modern art. When I visited the painting at the MOMA today, I tried to understand why this was the case. In the painting, five women of presumably different ethnicities are standing provocatively.  The woman on the far left of the painting is pulling back a brown curtain suggesting that the women are for show.

Paper Exhibit

I am truly disapointed in myself that I have not yet blogged about the Paper Exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design. I went to this museum early on in Octorber and I have to say it was really amazing. When I walked in I thought some of it was paper but was surprised to find out EVERYTHING was made out of paper!! I didn't think it was possible. I mean paper is so fragile and small and everything was so detailed and a lot of it too grand to be simply paper.

If you want to understand what I meant look at this first picture!

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