In order to better learn about the factors that impact educational retention and collegiate attainment by Dominican high school students, I interviewed the people closest to the source.
Maria Jimenez, Age 17, Gorton High School, 1.5 genertion Dominican
-What are your plans after graduating high school?
"I am definitely planning on going to college. It is something that will make my family proud and give my life value. I want to study pharmacology."
-How do you think being Domican has affected your life and education?
"I've been brought up in a bilingual environment. I grew up in the Dominican Republic and took my first couple years of school there. School seems more difficult in DR and I feel like that set up a foundation for my education here."
Edgar Palma, Age 18, Gorton High School, 2nd genertation Dominican
-What are your plans after graduating high school?
"I want to go to college, but not any college, a good one. I'm working hard on getting good grades, I want to make my parents proud."
-Do you think Dominicans have a different approach to education, than for example, your classmates of other nationalities?
"You can definitely see the difference between everyone. I know that a lot of Dominican parents want their children to get as much education as possible. They feel like going to school is the key that opens doors here in America. I'm sure my mother would go crazy if she found out I was slacking *laughs*"
Susan Bryan, Guidance Counselor for bilingual students at GHS
-What are public schools doing in order to help facilitate bilingual students into American society?
"There are many more programs offered for bilingual and immigrant students. Our high school in particular offers courses both in English and in Spanish so students are integrated much faster. This also allows kids to retain their national identity and culture."
-Despite high drop out rates among Latino high school students, what are some indications of a positive change?
"The drop out rates have been diminishing at a steady rate from year to year. We are sending more students to college, more kids are deciding to stay in school in order to acquire a better future. Class sizes also grow from year to year. We have to hire 5 new teachers for next year's academic curriculum!"