The Dominican Women’s Development Center is a not-for-profit organization created to contribute to the empowerment of Dominican/Latina, other women and our families who reside in Washington Heights/Inwood and other New York City communities. Our mission is to aid in the growth and development of our self esteem by affirming our identity and solidarity through multicultural and holistic social services, and educational, economic and cultural development programs. The Center is committed to the organizing of women to actively participate in the elimination of gender inequality and the promotion of social justice!!
519 W 189 Street Ground Floor, New York, NY 10040
Dr. Lavergne is a 1.5 generation Dominican. She is one of the counselors at the Center. Dr. Lavergne says that she sees herself primarily as Dominican, but she also takes pride in being American.
"The 2nd generation gets involved in politics from a very young age. Politics is often discussed at the dinner table and family gatherings. Dominicans are wild animals when it comes to politics."
"Police tend to hang around this area and give a lot of tickets for traffic infractions. They focus on a lot of minor things. I've seen the police push the kids when they are coming out of school. They say, 'let's go, let's go' when they are just kids acting like kids and gathering in big groups after school."
"It's a tight balance. First we see ourselves as Dominican, but everything that happens to us in America affects our lives here. When Obama ran for President all of my relatives in the DR were calling to hear the results. Usually we fly the Dominican flag, but after 9/11 people flew the American flag to show their pride in this country."