Project Authors: Julia Gil & Sharleny Castillo

Our STEAM Fest project is a slideshow presentation examining Robert Mapplethorpe’s artistic career and explore some of his most popular artworks. The presentation starts off by demonstrating Mapplerthorpe’s upbringing and the development of his career. They cover his childhood, the education he received, how he started photography, how his art became popular, and what he did near the end of his short lived life. The second half of the presentation will cover some of his most popular pieces. These slides will be mentioning a couple exhibitions he’s had, how he photographed his pieces and his intent behind making them. this will give us to opportunity to explore our own opinions towards some of his pieces. Robert Mapplethorpe has been titled one of the most important artist of the twentiest century. By the end of this presentation we hope to understand why he was given this label.


Link to our Presentation: