Kara Duclosel
Paige Treiland
Paris Ricketts
Samuel Paperman

For this research project we were interested on how students felt around one of the most stressful month during college- November. As college students ourselves, going through conditions like general anxiety, we wanted to see if our peers feel the same as well. So, we conducted a survey to get responses about questions related to our research and found interesting data that was not expected during analysis of that data. We detail information about this all in our slides, but based on our research and from research others studies, the results were shocking.

In our research in discovering the effects of social media on college students’ anxiety, we found that college students report some symptoms of general anxiety. Many students consider college to be stressful however, they aren’t spending as much time on social media; but they may be experiencing the negative effects from it. This research has disproved many of our original theories but has many interesting findings. We originally considered this topic because we were kind of feeling anxious during school as well. Many of us in the group spend a considerable amount of time on social media, and consistently find ourselves returning to the platform. We were interested in whether other students felt the same way. We collected data by having participants in the Brooklyn Macaulay program take surveys based on questions toward our research. We then analyzed this information.

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